The following summary and interpretation is derived from the Chapter 'Religion' in A Geography of Consciousness (1974) by William Arkle
1.The totality of creation is a 'matter consciousness system' that forms a natural background to each person's life; and we live in relation to this. The background to each life is not static, but is evolving.
2. This evolution of the natural background is in the direction of being a permanent change for the better; 'better' being from the perspective our our own experiences which are intended to contribute to our spiritual progression towards higher states of divinity.
3. Therefore time is 'on our side' - the whole of created reality is on our side, properly understood - even if or when it seems to be opposed to us.
4. In order that we can sense, recognise, and live-by this fact; we must stop thinking that we are separate from creation and 'accidental' - subject to arbitrary influences. Our lives are part of the total evolution of creation, and we have a purposive and meaningful relation to it.
5. We can therefore expect to find in our natural background, reliable and useful indications of our personal destiny. What we should do is written-into the very stuff of the background matrix of matter consciousness.
6. Especially, we should look for signs in the fields of (ideal) biology and psychology; because in such fields our experience may be strong enough to refute our bad habits and false metaphysics.
7. However, we will never enjoy the proper and destined relationship with our natural background if we regard it as something to be conquered and subdued, exploited and manipulated, used or even exterminated (as humans so often view the natural world).
8. Our proper relationship with matter consciousness, that is with the background of our reality (with animals, plants, and all 'things' - whether natural or made) needs to be like our ideal relationships with people; in which an attitude of loving respect is essential.